Please note: Going forward, the letterboxes on this list will only be replaced at the artist's discretion.
Going forward, the letterboxes on this list will not be replaced if lost. Many of these sites are now included in the MO Explorers Program!The Bronze Edition of the Curiosity Passport will make the maintenance of this popular game more financially & environmentally sustainable, thus also making it more expandable to other locations.
Please note: Going forward, the letterboxes on this list will only be replaced at the artist's discretion.
Going forward, the letterboxes on this list will not be replaced if lost. Many of these sites are now included in the MO Explorers Program!The Bronze Edition of the Curiosity Passport will make the maintenance of this popular game more financially & environmentally sustainable, thus also making it more expandable to other locations.
2018 Kansas City Collection
Please Note: The locations on this list are still nifty places to visit, but the letterboxes on will not be replaced if lost.
However, many of these sites are now included in the MO Explorers Bicentennial Collection!